COOMAP completed 64 years of existence on May 2, practicing rural cooperativism and always working focused on producer’s development. This date set the beginning of countdown to its 65th birthday.
2022 will be the sixty-fifth anniversary of our co-op, “a company that gallantly ennobles our city as a competent, vibrant, modern entity and regional reference, not to mention statewide”, said the president of COOMAP, Nilson Andrade.
Since its foundation in 1957, COOMAP’s mission has been to promote sustainable development of its members in economic, social, environmental and technological aspects, cultivating partnerships, working responsibly and valuing people. Nowadays, COOMAP is a cooperative dedicated mainly to family agriculture, in a universe of more than 800 members.
All the work developed is focused on producers, such as permanent technical, managerial and economic assistance, training and improvement courses, storage of coffee with the latest technology in traceability. But the co’op’s support goes far beyond that. COOMAP develops many social and environmental projects, reaching, in addition to its members, the entire community. And it is through these actions combined with the economic tripod that sustainability is truly developed in its actions.
COOMAP, for 64 years cultivating work, harvesting results!
Report published in issue 38 of the COOMAP News Newsletter. Click here to read the full edition.