Social Project


COOMAP has a partnership with São Vicente de Paulo Nursing Home, an entity of care for the elderly which is able to assist 65 seniors.

The cooperative supports several of this institution’s needs like food, furniture, utensils, etc. In 2016, COOMAP is implanting a vegetable Garden in this institution so that buying vegetables isn’t necessary anymore. This means significative savings.

Furthermore, COOMAP supports a nutritionist specialized in geriatrics(geriatrics nutritionist) to monitor and guide the elderly diet in order to offer them a better quality of life.


Having a busy life full of home chores and with so many responsibilities, many women end up forgetting small health cares. Some of them are: routine appointments with gynecologist and breast self-examination.

Changes in menstruations, cramps, breast changes, PMS, STD, contraceptive methods, worries about breast and cervical cancer are just a few reasons for them to attend appointments with doctors regularly.

Having this idea in mind, COOMAP organized ten meetings with women in order to discuss health related subjects. In these meetings participants were able to solve doubts about subjects like breast and cervical cancer with the help of a specialized nurse who also gave lectures.


This Project happens at a social risk area and consists of implanting a community vegetable Garden cultivated by children. Its growth is consumed by the dwellers and the excess is sold in order to generate income to the community.

The project consists of supplying seeds and fertilizers to be used in the kids vegetable garden mentioned above. Since it has an educational nature, the project deals with citizenship concepts, rights and duties, family and community living with 30 children, between the ages of 6 and 9. This happens at a different time from school activities. Children are taught to respect environment, improve character, values and respect to others.


With Fair Trade Premium support COOMAP is able to supply resources to social nature projects for rural community associations in Paraguaçu, one of them is the Water Springs Protection Project.
Another initiative subsidizes rural association branches renovation and construction and these places are used for periodic meetings. This is intended to provide a place for our members to meet and discuss their ideas, hold local events and trainings.


COOMAP considers activities and investments for the common good to be important. In this institution, support is given to mothers who need to work outside the home to support their children, thus fulfilling their main role in fighting for a fairer world.

By providing resources to help with the maintenance and operation of the Santa Terezinha nursery school, COOMAP collaborates, in a simple way, through the Fair Trade award, with the development of the 105 children assisted.


APAE, Association of Parents and Friends of the Disabled, is a non-profit, philanthropic, civil society entity. The construction of a vegetable garden at the Association allows students, aged between 2 and 70 years, to carry out activities that stimulate awareness of environmental conservation. Working with vegetables generates more health, more autonomy, more knowledge, healthy habits and quality of life. The vegetable garden project at this institution began in 2017, when two raised beds were built to facilitate the work of students in wheelchairs. In this space, students and teachers prepare the soil, plant, irrigate, control weeds, harvest, and then help prepare the harvested food. All with lots of joy and learning


Empowering means taking power over yourself. People who are oppressed or receive less attention in our society are often unaware of their own power, and women are included in this group. They need to recognize that they are capable, so that they can begin the changes. COOMAP’s role is to help the members’ wives in this process.
In partnership with SENAR Minas/Sindicado Rural de Paraguaçu, COOMAP promotes courses that can help women feel important and still generate income.

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants/Cultivation Course – Bairro Mamonas, from 02/17 to 02/21/2020

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