What is organic coffee? Basically, organic coffee is produced without chemical fertilizers and pesticides (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and other kinds of chemical products).
Instead of chemical fertilizers alternatives like organic fertilizers, green fertilizers and a more efficient soil handling.
With this in mind, COOMAP started a Project focused on this Project in which 17 members of our cooperative are included. The first step was visiting an organic coffee grower in Poço Fundo, a nearby town, where the project members could get in touch with an organic crop and solve doubts related to the product used at it.
The purpose of this Project is to attend the growing demand for organic coffee, although production is still small. This way growers are able to be better paid for their product.
If you need more information about this Project, get in touch with our technical department through the telephone number +55 35 3267-4600.