COOMAP is forming the first group of producers to participate in Educampo, which is a platform to promote technical and management assistance to the farmers. In addition to COOMAP and Sebrae, Credivar – Varginha Region Credit Cooperative also participates in the group organization.
There will be 20 to 30 producers taking part of the program, who must be members at both COOMAP and Credivar. André Moraes Reis, who is the Agricultural Engineer accredited by Educampo will be the consultant who’ll conduct this project.
A meeting with producers was held last Thursday, when all precautions were taken to prevent COVID 19. During the meeting, it was defined that participants will sign a contract now and assistance will begin in August.
In order to get this first groupr together, members who had already expressed interest in participating in this type of program were selected.
How it will work…
Each member of the group will have a monthly visit by the Educampo consultant to their farm in order to evaluate entire coffee production process and enter data on the program platform. Thus, it will be possible to carry out different types of surveys and comparisons. All of this will allow producers to better understand their activity and search for continuous improvement in his production.
“With producers well-informed and with production costs at hand, this will serve as a guide to know how we are in relation to other regions, so that we can develop more and more in assisting our members”, says the Sustainability manager at COOMAP, Rogério Araújo Pereira.
This is another COOMAP service for members, through good partnerships, that reinforces its commitment to meet their needs. COOMAP, for 64 years cultivating work, harvesting results.