Know our history
Our foundation dates back to may, 2nd 1957. COOMAP is located in Paraguaçu, a town in southern Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Our head office building was started in 1961 and concluded in 1963.
In 1985 coffee storage and commercialization activities were started and in order to take care of growers’ needs, in 2006 the technical department was created. COOMAP improved its storage and processing in 2011 and in 2015 Fair Trade certification was obtained.
Achieving this certification has as main goal to improve our member’s coffee production commercialization process in order to make possible that their family and them have more quality of life. Most of cooperative members are family farmers who make a living by growing coffee in small farms. Nowadays there are 670 coffee growers who negotiate annually 160,000 60 kg bags, which represents a little bit more than 200 coffee bags per grower/year.
There are 21,000 inhabitants in Paraguaçu, from which 4,000 of them live in rural areas. Southern Minas Gerais is the greatest arabica coffee producer region in Brazil. Coffee is the main activity in this town and represents 80% of its agribusiness GDP.
Strategic Positioning
01. Mission
02. Vision
03. Values
04. Challenges

Nilson Andrade

Antonio Fernando Branco

Bosco Ramos Órfão

Agenor Junqueira Dias

José Edgar Pinto Paiva

Wagner Souza Vasconcelos

Elzira Morais Bueno

José Cézar dos Santos

Coomap structure

Social Responsability
COOMAP believes that good environmental and social practices are the base to a better life, consequently it has projects and practices focused on helping to build a fairer society. These practices promote improvement in quality of life for our members and also for people in general. COOMAP and its projects have as target the common growth of the individuals involved in its activities.